Top 7 Amazing Uses for Aloe Vera

ALOE VERA gel is known to ease the sunburn and aid in healing wounds. Did you know the plant you love most can be used for more than just sunburn relief and decor for your home?

Aloe Vera: 10 Amazing Benefits That Will Boost Your Health

This succulent is known for its long-standing history of being used for medical uses, going to the beginning of Egypt. The plant is indigenous in North Africa, Southern Europe and The Canary Islands. Nowadays, aloe vera can be found in tropical climates all over the world. From helping to ease stomach pain to possibly slowing down the spreading to the breast cancer Researchers are only getting started to discover the potential of this plant’s universal properties and its numerous products.

Heartburn Relief

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) is an inflammatory digestive disorder that typically causes heartburn. A study from the year 2010 study found that eating 1 to 3 ounces aloe gel before meals could lessen the degree of GERD. It can also alleviate other digestive-related issues. Its low toxicity is a secure and gentle treatment for heartburn.

Ultimate Health Benefits of Using Aloe Vera | Longevity

Fresh produce is the best way to keep it

A study in 2014 that was published on the internet by Cambridge University Press looked at tomato plants that were coated in aloe. The report proved that the coating effectively blocked the growth of a variety of harmful bacteria on the vegetable. Similar results were observed in another study that involved apples. Aloe gel may help fruit and vegetables remain fresh and reduce the need for harmful chemicals that prolong shelf-life of fruits and vegetables.

A mouthwash alternative

In an 2014 study by the Trusted source that was published in Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences Researchers found that aloe extract as a healthy and effective substitute for chemical-based mouthwashes. The plant’s natural components contain an adequate amount of Vitamin C could prevent plaque. It can also help when you suffer from bleeding gums or swelling gums.

The ability to lower blood sugar levels

Consuming two tablespoons of aloe-vera juice each day could result in blood sugar levels to drop in those suffering from Type 2 Diabetes according to an article published by Trusted Source in the Phytomedicine journal: International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacy. This suggests that aloe vera could have potential in the treatment of diabetes. This was supported by another study called Trusted Source that was published in Phytotherapy Research which used pulp extract.Find aloe vera juice

However, those with diabetes, who are taking medication that lowers glucose levels, should exercise care when taking aloe vera. The juice in combination with diabetes medication could reduce your blood sugar to levels that are dangerous.

Natural laxative

Aloe vera has been regarded as to be a natural natural laxative. A few studies have examined the advantages of this succulent for aiding digestibility. The results are mixed.

A group of Nigerian researchers conducted research with rats and discovered that the gel from common aloe vera plant material could help alleviate constipation. However, another study conducted through Trusted source conducted by the National Institutes of Health looked at the use of the whole leaf extract of aloe vera. These findings showed the presence of tumor development in large intestines of laboratory animals.

In 2002 in 2002, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration demanded that all non-prescription products containing aloe toxin be removed completely from market U.S. market or be changed in formulation.

It is the Mayo Clinic recommends that aloe vera be used to treat constipation, however it should be used in moderation. They suggest a dosage between 0.04 or 0.17 grams (dry juice) is enough.

If you suffer from Crohn’s disease, colitis or hemorrhoids, you should avoid eating aloe vera. It could result in extreme stomach cramps as well as diarrhoea. You should not take aloe vera if taking any other medication. It can affect the body’s capacity to absorb the medication.

Skin care

It is possible to use aloe vera in order to maintain your skin clean and well-hydrated. It could be due to the fact that it thrives in climates that are dry and unstable. To withstand the harsh climate the leaves of the plant store water. The water-rich leaves, when combined with plant-specific compounds known as complex carbohydrates, makes it an effective moisturizer for the face and pain relieving agent.

Potentially to combat breast cancer

A recent investigation that was published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine examined the therapeutic effects from aloe-emodin which is a chemical found in the leaves of the plant. The researchers suggest that the succulent has potential in slowing the development in breast cancer. However, further research is required to the research on this hypothesis.

The main takeaway

There are many methods to utilize the aloe vera plant as well as the many extracts and gels that could be extracted from it. Researchers continue to come up with ways to use this succulent use. It is important to talk with your physician if you intend to utilize aloe vera for medicinal method, especially in the case of taking medications.

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